Visit Wolf Road Prairie

-- the Virtual Tour
-- the Real Thing

Learn About the Prairie

Take Action to Save Natural Areas

Kids in Action

Teachers' Corner

return to Save the Prairie Society
Building the Big Bluestem Network

drawing by Carol Murray

Kids, teachers and parents can work together to help kids speak out about the environment. Here are some ideas.

1. Plan a presentation at the local library about your class visit to the Wolf Road Prairie. Include your journals, photos and drawings in an exhibit at the library. Invite your family and friends to this event. You can also make this presentation to the P.T.A.

2. Create a bulletin board for your school that includes a map and information about other natural areas in the northern, western and southern parts of Chicagoland.

3. Arrange field trips to natural areas to view ecosystems, rivers, birds, butterflies and wildlife. Make an exhibit for your community center of your photos, journals and drawings to demonstrate the natural beauty of Illinois.

4 Organize an Environmental Fair at your school. Contact environmental groups and invite leaders to make presentations. Make up games and exhibits that idenitfy things we can do to conserve natural resources.

5. Participate in a work day at Wolf Road Prairie or another natural area to clear brush and collect seeds.

6. Start a native plant garden in your community. Put savanna plants under the oaks in your school or park. Plant big bluestem grass, the Illinois state grass, in a sunny location. Select some wildflowers like yellow coneflower, wild bergamot, prairie dock, and nodding wild onion to add color and attract butterflies.

7. If there is a wetland in your neighborhood, look for ducks, geese and frogs. In spring, audiotape their songs. In summer, check out the kinds of plants that grow there.

8. Copy and save the Big Bluestem Badge at the top of the page, and create a Certificate when you accomplish two or more of the activities listed above.

Share your discoveries, plans, methods and successes with the Big Bluestem Network. Email the network with suggestions for each of the ideas you try.

We will build the network by:

-- sharing resources, photos, journals, drawings and experiences
-- describing the many ways we speak out for the environment
-- documenting presentations, exhibits and actions