Save The Prairie Society


History of the Restoration Site

Role of Buffer Sites in Preserving Biodiversity

Project Goals and Purpose

Restoration Strategy and Methods

Site Biodiversity

Education and Outreach

Project Participants
  --Partners and Donors

Partners and Donors

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Urban Resources Partnership in Chicago
The Wetlands Restoration Fund/Corlands
Chicago Wilderness
C-2000 - Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Fund
U.S.D.A. -- Forest Service
U. S. Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service
Forest Preserve District of Cook County -- Landscape Dept.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Conservation Design Forum, Inc.
Conservation Research Institute
Target - Division of Dayton Hudson
Estate of Linnea Y. Frenzel
University of Illinois at Chicago/Dr. Darrel Murray
Jack Pizzo & Associates, Ltd.
Save the Prairie Society Individual Donors

drawings by Susan Van Horn