Save The Prairie Society


History of the Restoration Site

Role of Buffer Sites in Preserving Biodiversity

Project Goals and Purpose

Restoration Strategy and Methods
  --Before and After

Site Biodiversity

Education and Outreach

Project Participants

Prairie Triangle
Stream Corridor
Prairie Garden

Prairie Garden

. . .“It was determined that a portion of the revegetation of the site should include the provision for seed production.”*

“The site selected for the more traditional prairie seed garden was mowed lawn. The area was first sprayed with Round-up, a herbacide that acts on both grasses and herbaceous plants.”

In some places “the brown sod was turned with shovels and broken so that it could be raked and removed. . . and transplants were placed in the beds using a drill driven transplanting bit or a bulb planting tool.”

video photo by Valerie Spale

“In other areas transplants were placed in the brown sod, also using a drill driven transplanting bit. In addition to the rows of transplants, 16 aritificial prairie sod communities containing approximately 800 individual plants of 14 species were placed on top of the brown lawn sod.”

“Due to the large area of the garden, watering was carried out during the first few days after the plants were placed at the garden site.”

*Above quotes are from Dr. Darrel Murray