As a result of previous recovery phases in 1996, erosion on the Save the Prairie Society section of the upper Middle Fork has diminished and herbaceous sedges and grasses are recolonizing the stream banks and propagation beds. The vegetation appears to be slowing the rate of discharge and helping purify water prior to discharge into the degraded section of the lower Middle Fork downstream. Although still showing evidence of trenching and erosion, the lower Middle Fork is slowly filling in with native herbaceous sedges, grasses and forbs following the first phase of restoration. Newly introduced plants in propagation beds are established and are serving as a seed source for future restoration needs.
The restoration project is helping to a) sustain natural water level fluctuations which is important in developing and maintaining wetland vegetation and b) beginning to filter pollutants and help improve water and habitat quality.
Click here to see a panoramic view of the stream corridor and uplands buffer site.